Sup y'all! Yes, its been a hot minute. Dropping this Saturday ^ the "Year of The Rabbit" Air Jordan VII. Its Thu night and rainy in Chicago...and folks are lined up outside Niketown for these. All that for some altered Hares? Sheesh...hype kills.
Yesterday, as Kobe dropped his second semi-final game vs the Mavs, he also dropped this gradient Kobe VI...

Resembles the Duke VI, doesn't it?
The shoes are different - in addition to the purple vs. blue, the material on the Duke is glossy, the Gradient dull, along with different colored heel portions. Also coming soon from Mamba -- a cool grey c/w...

Keeping with the grey theme -- out next week from Brand Jordan, the Wolf Grey AJ V...

Last but not least, my latest pick-up -- a blast from the past -- the Pegasus '92 retro...