It's quite a sight to see.
Tonight, while many will be drinking Guinness and eating corned beef, the Cavs will be playing the Pacers at the Q. Since they are at home, I'm betting Lebron wears a AML 7 in a SVSM colorway similar to the MTAGs...

...but home uni's will mean white-based colorway. I expect someting with some green.
Last season on St Patrick's Day he wore these home SVSM 6s at home against the Magic...

The Lake Show isn't on the schedule tonight, but you never know what NBA player will bust out some St. Pats-themed AZK 5s. Last season Kobe wore these hideous AZK 4s...

Horrible! They look like Nike iD rejects if you ask me. JR Smith's gold AZK 5 iDs would work on a day like today (click pic to see better detailed look at them)...

From the other night, Rip busted out the Flint 13s while Michael Finley (looking odd in a C's uniform) unveiled the silver anniversary 11s. November can't come soon enough!

Now from a green theme to a blue theme...

The Duke Kobe 5 releases at House of Hoops nationwide (strangely dropping on a Wednesday) .

As much of a Blue Devils fan as I am, I may pass due to the obnoxiously blue toe box...

Now couple that with no Duke logo on the back...

...I might have to pass...

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